The Adventures of Panthera Noire - Chapter 74 - SorryJustAnotherPerson (2024)

Chapter Text

Juleka loved training. It made her feel prepared for the world ahead.

“Thank you guys for coming out.”

“I’m bisexual.”

“I meant as in coming outside, Rena. But thanks.”

Panthera and Ladybug had been back for a week battling newscasters and reporters begging to know every scrap and morsel of what happened in Shanghai. The Ladyblog helped a lot with damage control but before they all knew it, there was only a few days of summer left and it’d be back to school and no doubt Hawkmoth as he’d been hesitantly and infrequently started akumas back up again.

So Juleka pulled her special favor.

“Hawkmoth’s been appearing again. His disappearance was only due to his business in Shanghai but now that’s over, us stopping him no less, he’s going to start ramping up his attacks no doubt about it.” Ladybug explained tactically, nodding to Panthera to continue.

“We need you guys ready for when we need you. You do good at your jobs, but we can’t deny the disaster Hero’s Day ended up being.” Juleka said, twisting her hair between her fingers before crossing her arms.

“So… We’re getting training?” Carapace gulped. Queen Bee glanced unsurely at him but Rena smiled confidently, flashing the two a smile.

“Don’t worry guys, I’ve done practice stuff with them. It’ll be easy!” She reassured but Panthera Noire merely tutted her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

“Yes and no. That was Ladybug’s training.” She wagged her finger side to side. The three heroes look up at her with growing unease. Panthera’s eyes thinned, and her lips curled into a tight smile. “That’s the training you get from on field sh*t. Where we see if your instincts are in the right place. But now it’s my training, and this is where you learn how to stay alive.”

“But I— we know how to fight.” Rena sputtered, beginning to step back as the poor fox was realizing the intensity Panthera was about to unleash.

“You three all fight like you're fighting bad guys. I fight with the understanding that I will die if I don’t.” Panthera said smoothly. She tapped her staff on the ground and glared at the three of them. “I’m gonna make sure to get that understanding in you guys so you can fight like total badasses, you hear me?”

“I-I— uh.” Carapace croaked.

“We’re gonna.. die?” Queen Bee squinted.

“This is..” Rena’s jaw slacked a bit.

“Kitty, you’re scaring them a bit too much I think.” Ladybug hissed over her shoulder.

“Kinda the point, partner.” Juleka remarked before grinning toothily at the three of them. “Now; Let’s begin, shall we? How about something easy? Make it fun? Give you guys a good warm up?”

“U—Uh. Sure, dude?” Carapace nodded unsurely. “What would that be?”

Panthera smiled and turned, walking off.

“I’m gonna throw you guys off the Kids Plus Studio tower.”


After a long run, and a ton of screaming later— Ladybug held up a small whistle to her mouth, glancing at the group before her. Panthera gave her a trusting look but she could tell she was still unsure about all this.

“Panthera, are you sure you’ll be safe?” Ladybug asked. Panthera let out a confident hum and pulled a small black hat reading ‘bad guy’ in bright white text out of one of her many pockets.

“You should be worried about those guys.” She remarked. Ladybug’s face flattened.

“Well I am, after all… you kinda wore them out.” Ladybug turned to see the other three. Queen Bee was still dry heaving from the run, Carapace barely stopped shaking from the high fall from half an hour ago, and Rena Rouge’s hair was still frazzled from when Panthera got the jump on her and revealed not only were they getting dropped from the tower but chased to this new spot.

“She was so fast..”

“Despite the fact..”

“We all fell at the same rate, at the same time..”

“‘S hard to be fast at falling..”

“That’s our usual danger level though!” Panthera reasoned defensively, she lowered her voice to just them with an anxious glint in her eyes, “If things are getting worse from here, I figured this would be a good starting point!”

Ladybug glanced away, mumbling, “You worry me a lot sometimes..”

“I wuh?”

“Nothing,” Ladybug smiled. Panthera’s ear twitched before focusing back on the group. She waved a hand.

“You guys ready?” She asked cheerfully. Rena Rouge glanced up with an exhausted yet determined look, while Carapace and Queen Bee traded more unsure expressions. Panthera sighed, and rolled her shoulder around, “Just do your best guys. Exhaustion is part of the job- but the main game here is to just grab this hat off of me, okay?”

“Just.. grab the hat..” Carapace mumbled to himself.

“Has to be simple enough.” Queen Bee extended her spinning top, idly swinging it around. Rena’s lip twitched upwards and Juleka’s tail lashed. That look in her eye. She knows the moment she swings a fist the fight starts. She knows I’m not waiting for a ‘go’. She’s gonna come at any seco-


We’re very alike. I like that about you. Panthera smiled as Rena came pouncing past her, claws scraping against the cement and swinging her leg around. Juleka’s ear twitched at the sound of wind passing by her cheek as she pulled her head back from Rena’s flying heel. A blur of orange and white and Panthera raised her arm to block against her flute flying to hit her face and dropped her hand to block an attack to her side.

Step- Step- Step. Juleka grabbed Rena’s flute and in a quick tug, the angle of holding her weapon resulted in the fox dropping it instead. Rena gasped and Panthera immediately spun around and flung it at the fastly approaching Carapace and Bee- flying past Carapace and his shield and nailing Queen Bee in the head.

“GAH!” Queen Bee hit the ground with a hiss, and Carapace spun around with shock.

“I’m sorry!”

“Carapace, your instinct to protect failed. Now Queen Bee’s hurt.” Panthera called out while Rena struggled to grab Panthera’s hat off, but she kept her down just by a simple hand to her face. Queen Bee sat up achily, and Panthera smiled apologetically.

She felt her hand slip and Rena was- oh she could really grab her hat now. She slid her hand down to her collar and using her momentum of trying to lunge to her hat, Panthera flung her around to crash into Carapace- who only then decided to use his shield.


“You guys did good during Hero’s Day syncing up who to save and who to fight, but you all mostly did it alone beside the occasional tag team take down.” Panthera said, readjusting her hat as Rena rubbed her face achingly and Carapace profusely apologized. “Usually though, you’re not so spread out, so you have to know what everyone’s doing at the same time.”

“To be fair!” Ladybug spoke up from the sidelines, her eyebrows knitted together, “They won’t be working together that much.”

“But we need to teach them like they are,” Panthera replied, and proceeded to rush at the others as they looked up at Ladybug. Queen Bee noticed her first and shouted with surprise, sending her spinning top forward. It wrapped around Panthera’s arm, but Panthera kept running at them. “That’s not gonna stop me, Bee!”

Queen Bee squeaked with terror and quickly ran around her to yank it back and away from Carapace- stopping Panthera in her tracks.

“Get the hat!” Queen Bee shouted. Panthera’s ear twitched as Rena and Carapace came rushing towards her. She took a breath, took a step, took a breath, looked around. I could yank Chloe closer to show that just because she’s got me tied up I can use that to my advantage, but this isn’t a bad tie, and if she does more, this could be perfect for them. So she should be allowed to have this. She glanced at Rena and Carapace who were circling around to her sides. One two— one two— there came their steps; they'd be here soon.

Left and right. That’s pretty smart, considering my other arm is compromised. Wait is it– Panthera looked down her tied arm and found her ring sparkling at her fingers. She beamed.

“Nice choice, Bee! You got my cataclysm hand!” She shouted happily as Rena came tackling over her shoulder, missing entirely, before coming to pounce at her again- this time grabbing at her arm. Well that’s not great for me. She dodged a hand and bit Rena’s wrist when she came close- causing her to shout.

“GAH! Why are you so- TALL!? CARAPACE!” Rena growled against her as Panthera wrestled to keep her down. Then came Carapace.

It felt like time was slowing as he came flying over to her left– while Rena kept her arm busy it gave him a chance to clumsily try and grab her while she was open. This is pretty tricky! She hummed, glancing away at the sky as she pondered her next step. I wonder what ma would do.

“Remember Jules! The best offense... is an exploded cop car to distract the crowd!”

Nah, I’ve already done distraction. What if I’m cornered?

“If you’re ever cornered, lass, remember to carry pocket sand with ya! Oh! And aim for the eyes.”

Mmm I don’t think that applies here. Can’t reach my pockets. Anything about being cuffed?

“Jules, if you’ve ever got her hand in a handcuff, they’ve just given ya a weapon! Use it to your advantage!”

I’ll take it. Juleka thought to herself as Carapace finally came barreling into her. She grimaced, and thrashed against the two bodies that were trying to take her down. She tapped her foot to the ground. One- two- one- two- one—

“You give up yet, Kitty?” Ladybug called over, she had too smug of an expression on her face. “They’re not bad heroes! Maybe they don’t need your ‘hardcore’ training!”

“Nah, they’ve still got lots to learn.” Panthera smirked. Glancing at her tied arm, she noted that Queen Bee hadn’t moved from her spot. Should tell her to never stop moving next time. She could’ve used her wire to wrap me up but she didn’t. But- I guess the other two are in the way. No. She could’ve told them what she wanted. She needs better teamwork.

She took the top’s string in her hand and yanked hard. Queen Bee stumbled forward with a cry, top zipping from her grasp, and that gave some looseness for Panthera to work with. She grabbed Carapace by the back of the neck and threw him. His feet went flying upwards and his back met the ground first in a skid.

She looked over at Rena who was digging her nails into her jacket. Green met violet and Panthera smiled, and tugged her jacket off in a flourish- taking Rena off with her- before shoving the rest of her jacket into Rena’s face and tripping her to the ground.

Panthera took the top’s wire back in her hand and started to rush forward.

“Sorry guys!” She sang, spinning it around wildly, as Queen Bee looked up with dread as she approached with horrible horrible intent.


“Rena was really bold with what she wanted to do. She’s got good instincts and knows when to move. But her lack of general skills make her just short of what she wants to do...”


“She was really fast though! That was good! Opportunistic.”


“Carapace did great too...” Juleka mumbled, tapping her claw to her lip. “I think he wasn’t sure what to do though. He grabbed my other arm, yeah, but Bee and Rena already had me grappled. Could’ve come from the back instead of just trying to keep me down more...”

“Well he’s our defense hero, so, he shouldn’t expect to be the one getting the akuma... That’s our job.”

“But if any of them can get an akuma then they should.” Panthera noted, ear twitching. “Legs are super good. Gives range. But Rena favors her fists and claws a lot too. I noticed her trying to do a lot of kick boxing stuff- but- she just doesn’t have the practice with it- they come in a bit slow. Queen Bee.. I need to teach her more actual fighting. Carapace needs better work with his shield...”

“You know we can all still hear you!” Her ears perked and she hesitantly looked over at the B-Team, who had finally freed themselves from Queen Bee’s wire.

Juleka spun the bad guy hat idly around her finger. There was an anxiousness in her chest that kept growing. Did they all hate her now? Did she fight too hard? The sparring sessions at home weren’t that much more intense than what she just did.

Ladybug nudged her with her elbow and Juleka bore her brightest and most uncomfortable smile.

“Well um- you guys did great!” She exclaimed. “That’s what you heard, right?”

“You beat our ass!” Rena barked.

“Okay but you did great despite that! Especially for our first spar today!” Panthera smiled weakly. The three’s eyes bugged out and she could see the horror in how Queen Bee mouthed the words ‘first’. Ladybug sighed and put a hand to Panthera’s shoulder.

“Why don’t we talk about strategy first. Give them a break, before you try and spar again?” She suggested. She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, “We can all get drinks and snacks while we do so!”

“Lemon cake.” Panthera clapped her hands together.

“Kitty! You said you wanted to cut down on it the other day!” Ladybug exclaimed, but when their eyes met, her strength immediately withered.

“You said we should get snacks for them. I just thought while we’re at the bakery we might as well get my favorite~!”

“Wait- are we talking about my- the Boulangerie Patisserie? Who said we were getting that?” Ladybug gawked.

“We always get snacks from there!” Panthera’s tail lashed with excitement. “I assumed we were just gonna do that!”

“..Well, yeah.” Ladybug’s ribbons twitched. She sighed, motioning for the other three to follow. “Come on guys! We’ll talk while we walk!”

“TOM AND SABINE’S LETS GOOOOOO!” Rena shouted with Carapace while Chloe wilted a bit with hesitance. Panthera smiled reassuringly at her and she sighed, following just a few steps behind.

Upon the catwalk above the streets of Paris, Panthera’s tail flicked and clicked against the concrete and brick as she listened idly to Ladybug as she went on to talk about strategies and their duties like a prophet of a belief. It was nice to let someone else speak. Juleka sometimes missed the days where she had no need to say anything at all. But then, it was because she couldn’t, not because she wished for silence itself. So like the being of blasphemy she was she chimed in with her own remarks-

“We don’t respect the news that much actually,” Panthera smiled much to Ladybug’s appalled expression. “Don’t let Ladybug saying we’re ‘neutral’ to civilian things fool ya. She especially hates KIDZ+ studio.”

“Panthera!” Ladybug squawked.

“It’s cause they have a high rate of events that cause akumas huh.” Carapace scratched his head. Ladybug tsked, crossing her arms annoyedly.

“It’s not KIDZ+ in particular. It’s that frequent host guy. Alec Cataldi.” Ladybug grumbled. She shifted uncomfortably. “All his competitions and on sight interviews and stuff- he just has no emotional tact whatsoever!”

“Hard to get rid of him though. Even though he causes a lot of akumas, you two clean it up well, attracting more views by you both being there. It gives them a good reward regardless if something good or bad happens.” Queen Bee noted. She rolled her eyes. “You know who I don’t like? Nadja Chamack. If I hear ‘don’t be bemused it’s just the news’ one more time...”

“It’s not her fault either!” Ladybug reasoned, looking around to look at Queen Bee who raised an eyebrow. She threw her hands up, “She’s a nice lady! Really!”

“It’s just the issues with the media in general. They want to know anything and everything about us, and you guys by proxy. And they’ll wring it out and capitalize on as much as possible.” Panthera’s tail lashed. Ladybug and her met eyes and shuddered. “Prime Queen as a major example... If any reporters come up to you guys- I suggest stealing their microphones. It gives a funny reaction, and a good message.”

“Media and reporters in general huh..” Rena murmured, her ears drooping for some reason. Juleka’s head tilted with confusion but Ladybug leapt to speak once she noticed the fox’s almost forlorn expression- wearing a beaming smile.

“But! That’s why we trust Alya from the Ladyblog over every other reporter!” She exclaimed, catching the fox’s attention. Panthera’s ears twitched upwards and she smiled. We’re talking about Alya now? Sweet!

“Yeah! Alya is great!” Juleka purred, her eyes glittering with joy. “She really likes us for well- us! And not ‘cause we make a good story. Like- I mean we do. But-”

“But she’s really just interested in inspiring hope! Her passion for heroism and stuff is really nice!” Carapace bounced in place, “Alya’s such a good pal- I mean! So I’ve heard!”

“Her blog is- admittedly, exceptionally good compared to any other news site or show. She could use a new camera though. All the footage just on her phone is absolutely atrocious.” Queen Bee flipped her hair with a huff, she paused and began to mumble schemingly, “...That shouldn’t be too expensive. Would be very easy for me to just find...”

“D-Dawh she’s– yeah.” Rena smiled. “Alya is really cool.”

“Are you a fan?” Carapace asked as they came to a stop. The bakery was just across the street now and Ladybug swung across the street and assumedly went down as Marinette to grab the treats. Panthera perched herself on a chimney as the others continued to talk, tail flicking with interest.

“Uhhh- yeah I actually am!” Rena grinned toothily. She sighed a breath more dramatic than she usually did, how interesting. “I keep missing out on getting an interview with her though, since Ladybug has us return our miraculouses really quickly after we’re done using them.”

“Can’t relate! The reporters absolutely flock to me!” Queen Bee flaunted herself, wings buzzing with pride. Rena crossed her arms.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t getting attention!”

“They only ask me why I’m a boy on an all girl’s team and if I’m dating you guys.” Carapace huffed, tugging at his hood. “I’m also bi but I’m thinking of aiming for dating a dude next time I’m looking to date just so I can spite them.”

“That’s so real dude.” Rena deadpanned.

“Still can’t relate.” Queen Bee muttered. “Buuut I doubt Ladybug will let us tell reporters we’re dating anyone. Or tell each other. Or date. At all. Her and her rules!”

“Well Panthera’s dating someone!” Rena pointed out, much to Juleka’s slight surprise because oh right uh she forgot she was actually physically here right now and not just a ghost watching. She offered an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of her neck.

“Ladybug’s not too happy about me dating either. Even though I’m doing the one actual rule of not telling anyone who I am.” Juleka replied, hoping her slight bitterness didn’t shine in her voice. Because why does it matter if my family already knows who I am. And on accident? She kicked herself. You’re the one not ready to tell Rose. It’s not Ladybug’s fault. And… well. It doesn’t help that you know who Ladybug Is. And also didn’t tell her.

“You guys sure have a lot more rules for us...” Carapace scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

“She’s just trying to protect us.” Rena sprung up to say. “Our duties are to support her and Panthera. And if the rules let us do that then well...”

“They’re not my rules.”

The three looked at her with confusion and a sudden tension. Juleka’s ears pinned back with awkward shame. Eek. I didn’t mean to sound that defensive. She thought. She scratched the back of her neck.

“Look, her rules are set to things based on the past that- I’m not allowed to talk about. Apparently.” She mumbled before crossing her arms. “Look. The only rules you guys have to worry about with me are my rules. Ladybug’s rules... are a lot easier to accidentally break. If you guys accidentally get your identities leaked, I won’t be mad. I promise.”

“What are your rules?” Queen Bee’s eyebrows knitted together. Juleka pinched the fabric of her jacket between her fingers.

“Well- my first and main one is just... don’t lie.” Juleka murmured, eyes glittering with thought. “I won’t lie to you guys. I can’t. I won’t. At most, I won’t tell you guys anything if I can’t- but you all deserve the truth and I’ll give it to you always. So- don’t lie to me or each other. Or else.”

A familiar whizzing sound filled the air which made Juleka automatically smile.

“The other rules are more just safety rules that involve bein’ heroes.” She cheerfully noted, holding out three fingers. “Don’t waste your abilities, have each other’s backs and one last thing...”

“I got pastries!” Ladybug exclaimed, landing behind Panthera with boxes in her hands. Panthera’s eyes thinned with intensity as she met every one of the heroes’s souls and smiled.

“Don’t sacrifice yourselves for anything that won’t bring you back.”


After their second round of sparring– which went just as bad as the first if not worse in her opinion- they were now playing catch. Sure they were also running around while playing, but the simplicity was a bit of whiplash, but Alya still didn’t want to admit that it was a really nice break.

Especially with what Panthera had said before still ringing in her ears. “Don’t sacrifice yourselves for anything that won’t bring you back.” It’d been a while since then, but it still felt stuck in her head. What did Panthera mean by that? What was being a hero without sacrifice?

“Agh–! Rena!” Queen Bee squawked as the ball punted her in the forehead- stopping everyone in their tracks. Her ears twitched back and she flashed an apologetic smile.

“Sorry! Got lost in thought!” She exclaimed, trying her best to sound cheerful. A low chuckle radiated over her shoulder- making her jump and before she knew it, Panthera had handed her a new ball and gave a kind look.

“It’s harder than it looks huh!” Panthera said, pushing past her and picking the other ball up with her tail. “This’ll sharpen your skills though. Especially for when this lady over here-” She knocked a thumb to Ladybug who was supervising from above- the sun making it hard to see her. “-Decides to throw a tiny red and black trinket at you mid air.”

“It’s not always tiny!” Ladybug retorted, spinning her yoyo out of a cat's cradle. She huffed at Panthera’s raised eyebrow. “Sometimes it’s quite large actually.”

“Regardless.” Panthera waltzed back out from the group’s running space. Queen Bee let out an exaggerated sigh.

“My arms are gonna be so sore by the end of today! And mostly from catch!”

“Not just catch, Bee. Your swings have been having more oomf to it in the spars!” Panthera smiled encouragingly. “Good job again at being more daring last round. Your guys' awareness of each other is getting better and better. Once you know what the others are doing at all times, you’ll be able to sync up your work better!”

“Still though, I’m gonna need a spa day tomorrow.” Queen Bee sighed. She opened up her hands and Rena tossed the ball to her- which was soon passed to Carapace who began precariously playing hacky sack with it.

“I gotta practice my music stuff. Apparently my taste isn’t ‘sick’ enough. Sure I wanna stay true to myself, but it’d be nice to actually do something with my DJ career.” Carapace said, bouncing the ball up to his hand finally and letting it fly to Rena’s claws. “It’s either that or lean into film.”

“You wanna be a director?” Alya’s ear twitched. She giggled, starting to juggle the ball in one hand. Doing tricks with it was nice, being a hero made things like this feel so much easier. Or was it the training? Either way, Panthera wasn’t stopping her so maybe this was training too. She tossed it up and smacked the ball with her flute. “Reminds me of my friend–!”

“GaH! RENA-! Oh I caught it. Huh.” Queen Bee lowered her hands, finding the ball rolling around in her palm. She squeezed it, flexing her fingers around it. Rena’s tail swished behind her as the group began to idly pace and walk around each other. Bee switched things up and tossed it back to Rena. “My dadd- dad used to be a director.”

“Really?” Carapace’s eyebrows raised, catching it.

“I think- I heard of that.” Panthera sat up a little. “Before the el- his current job right?”

“Mhm.” Queen Bee nodded, flying up a bit to grab the ball Carapace chucked- which had nearly soared over her head. She scowled at him before sighing, “He said it just wasn’t gonna last forever and he’d decided to do something more successful in his life.”

“Ah... I see.” The turtle hero wilted a bit. His head hung a bit low. Panthera opened her mouth to say something, but Alya jumped at the moment instead. She couldn’t let his dreams die just like that. Sure- she hadn’t known Carapace for that long but- If it was Nino in his place instead, hearing his dreams crushed because he heard somebody else were, she’d do the same.

“Maybe it’ll be different for our shelly friend here!” Rena said, opening her hands up for the ball to be thrown back into. She tossed it onto the tip of her flute and tried to balance it, much to Panthera’s delight. She smiled at Carapace, “We don’t know if we don’t try.”

“Yeah.. you’re right.” Carapace’s tension relaxed. He grinned, “I won’t give it up then.”

“I didn’t say you should give it up! I’m just saying that’s what my dad did!” Queen Bee squawked. She crossed her arms, before looking over to Panthera, “Was that like an implication thing?”

“Yeah.” The cat said plainly much to the bee’s dismay.

“It’s fine though Bee, I wasn’t hurt by it.” Carapace reassured her.

“Okay...” Bee muttered before huffing, “You’re lucky though, turtle. At least you know what you want to do. Recently, my future career plans have been uprooted.”

“Really? How come?” Rena tossed the ball to her much to Queen Bee’s surprise.

“I wanted to do what my mom did! But since she’s a c*nt-!” She caught it in a fumble and tossed it to Carapace immediately. Queen Bee sighed, flicking her hair, “I’ve decided absolutely not. And because I’ve got nothing else going for besides being a bossy- ugh- A grade Bitch–”

“More like Bee grade.”

“Shut up, Rouge.” Bee couldn’t help but chuckle. She sighed, “I’m just unsure what I’m gonna be doing in the next ten years.”

“Well if we’re still doing hero stuff by then, you make an awesome hero.” Carapace tossed the ball in his hand. Queen Bee smiled a little at that, wings buzzing with an unhidden happiness.

“That’s if we’re still heroes by then!” Ladybug noted, cutting through the mood, “I’m sure we’ll defeat Hawkmoth by then, and you’ll figure out what to do too.”

“We won’t be heroes after that?” Rena’s ears fell a bit. Ladybug’s mouth opened, but she wasn’t sure what to say to that.

Alya kicked at the ground. She was hoping this would be a longer deal. Maybe one day she could be a hero long enough to visit Marinette as Rena. Impress her. Get some merch. When Majestia took down her first major boss villain she didn’t stop all those years back did she? So why did they have to once they defeated Hawkmoth?

She sighed, that wasn’t her choice to make.

"What about you, Panthera?” Carapace piped up, trying to save the positive vibe they had going on no doubt. “Any future plans?"

"Only loose ones," Panthera scratched the back of her head curiously, she hummed with a content smile, "Dreams change over time, plans are constantly rebelled against by the world, and none of it quite matters. After all, we eventually just all end up on the ground."

The group stared at her in awful silence.

"...That's dark, dude." Carapace whispered with terror.

"It is? I thought it was reassuring." Panthera said disheartenedly, ears drooping with what looked like genuine disappointment.

The heroes really didn’t know what to think of that.

Alya, specifically, found herself deep in thought and drowning curiosity as Ladybug and Panthera wrestled over something about a building away. Panthera had started it with a charming comment, a compliment on the outside, but Ladybug poked and peeled it back to reveal the cat’s loving critique over apparently a deniable weakness the crimson hero had- resulting in both ‘proving’ it with a spar, and leaving the three to a long moment without their two leaders. Or.. was it leader and her second in command.

She propped her chin up, tail twitching as she watched the two wrestle. Panthera had taken Ladybug’s weapon away the moment they started, demanding they sharpen Ladybug’s weapon-less skills, much to Ladybug’s open dismay. Panthera chased and Ladybug evaded. And during all of Alya’s observations, she found their images melding and splitting apart.

There were at least two versions of Panthera she’d seen over the past year;

”My My My! You are awfully prickly today. I’ve got an idea! How about you call it quits so I can see your dazzling smile instead of your stormy pout?”

“I always thought you’d look purr-ety in black, Alya~!”

”Sure Lois Lane, you’re my favorite reporter after all.”

Number one was flirty Panthera. A staple part of her personality during the earlier part of the year. Alya had noticed this persona fizzling out for a short period before starting back up again in a more distant fashion. After the Prime Queen incident where Nadja Chamack had confronted the hero about her personality, hunting for hints of relationships- Panthera seemed uneasier about flirting.

That being said, there was that incident on Alya’s night as Rena. She’d been flirting with na- but it was then that Alya saw how artificial the mask seemed. It wasn’t that Panthera had ever felt ingenuine about it, but it was a fascinating note to see how Panthera could turn on the charm for better or worse.

It was a method of deduction for the cat, a method of deflection. Not something fake and hollow like someone cruel could be like, but someone with a natural affinity to flowerful words. Which led to Panthera version 2.

“Don’t sacrifice yourselves for anything that won’t bring you back.”

This one... Alya didn’t realize it existed until oh so recently. Hero’s Day opened her eyes about it- but it only made her realize separate incidents weren’t flukes. Their mental chess game when Sapotis occurred- the few private interviews they’d managed together…

“How does it feel to fight bad guys?” Alya asked curiously, holding up her camera with steady hands. Panthera tilted her head. “Yknow, being a hero and stuff?”

“Well— There’s a difference in my eyes.” Alya watched her sparkling eyes darkened ever so slightly, “The first one is a hassle and a job that I don’t get paid for and leaves me aching on my way home.”

“The second one?” Alya prodded uneasily. Panthera's eyes thinned.

“I’m stuck to bear the weight of, so no one else has to. And so I might as well save as many lives as I can while I do so.” Panthera hissed, “Before I finally get beat into the dirt and die.”

There was a long pause and Panthera looked up awkwardly at Alya.

“W—Was that a bad answer?”

“N—No I just, might not use that for footage I don’t think.”

“That’s fair.”

Panthera truly expected herself to die doing this, didn’t she?

The thought made her skin crawl. Panthera had always been a symbol of unshakable charm and strength. When Alya was scared out of her mind over an akuma, there was always Panthera obliterating the shadows with her own darkness gathered in her palm, and the shine of her toothy smile.

Maybe there was a comfort seeing someone who carelessly flirted in the face of danger- but knowing how fragmented that personality was- knowing Panthera’s one demand of them was to not lose themselves in the dangers of the job- maybe Panthera wasn’t as sure of herself as she’d made the city believe. And that made her feel like they were in more danger than she had before.

That led to Ladybug and well– Alya’s shoulders went slack, watching as the red hero jumped and squealed trying to escape Panthera’s pursuit. Ladybug had always seemed in control of everything. She still did. Especially as well- their boss. She had a solution for every problem, no matter the situation she found glorious success.

She was perfect. She was unshakable. But if Panthera’s own unbreakable spirit turned out to be fake, then Ladybug...

“Uhh! Hello! Earth to Rena Rouge! I know you have a habit of ogling over heroes but we were having a conversation you know!”

“What do you guys think of Ladybug?” She replied with a question, looking up at Queen Bee who stared wide eyed in response. The blonde’s lips pursed together, wings buzzing as she seemed too deep in thought to answer.

“Ladybug trusted me with my job.” Carapace spoke up. He clenched his fist at his side, “She saw me at my most cowardly. But she still chose me. I’m worried it’s just ‘cause I was the only one standing around or if she actually saw something in me.”

“God ditto.”

“Same.” Queen Bee sighed. “Except, worse.”

“Why’s that?” Alya jumped to ask. Carapace opened his mouth, but soon shut it. She knew what he was gonna say but it seemed they both agreed. Ladybug doesn’t want us talking about how we got chosen or else we might learn too much about each other. But, Panthera wants us to get each other. And Ladybug isn’t here.

“I wasn’t her choice.” Queen Bee confessed much to Alya’s surprise.

“Then how–”

“I was trying to get a better look at the fight. But- when Ladybug got caught by Style Queen–” How’d she get past the police barricade! Lucky, girl! Alya thought. “–The bee miraculous had fell and Panthera chose me instead.”

“Woah,” Carapace’s jaw slacked, “And she kept you.”

“Ladybug- I always admired. I cosplayed her at some point.” She seemed to blush under the mask, “She saved me so many times, I couldn’t help but turn her into my idol. But... after I realized she hated me back–”

“Dude how the hell did you get Ladybug to hate you?” Carapace’s face flattened.

“–I kinda realized I was putting all my hopes of being a good person onto her? Or something? I felt like if I messed up she’d just fix it and.. stuff.” Queen Bee shrugged uncomfortably, she sighed. “But I still think she’s really cool. I’m just- I wasn’t her pick though. And so she could replace me at any point if I don’t behave exceptionally.”

“Dude…” Carapace patted her back then. Alya propped her chin up.

“What about Panthera?”

“Oh dude she’s so cool!” Carapace pumped his fists, before his arms went slack. “I didn’t expect her training to be so tough though..”

“Panthera means everything to me,” Queen Bee piped up, before her voice softened. “She stayed and talked to me when I’d done nothing but lashed out at her and Ladybug. She visited me, gave me advice- gentle and tough, and has supported me- I— I owe so much to her.”

“Wow…” Alya murmured. She’d heard of Panthera sticking behind for akuma victims but to that extent. She was so nice. Her face flattened, “She’s like- super mentally ill though right?”

“Oh SO ill.” Queen Bee’s smile dropped. “There’s so much wrong with her.”

“There was that bit caught with her from the Bubbler incident-“

“About her dad?! Right?!” Bee exclaimed, “I’d send a request to the Ladyblogger to take that down but what’s heard can’t be unheard right?! Girl, she's so traumatized.”

“And She and Ladybug.. they disagree a lot more than I thought they did.” Rena tapped her chin. Queen Bee sighed.

“Tell me about it. I’m pretty sure I gave them a lot to argue about, just over me.” Queen Bee scoffed, wings buzzing with irritation. “And there was that chat. And today.”

“Maybe it’s because they don’t know who each other are either.” Rena’s eyebrows furrowed, tapping her claw to her lip.

“How’d you know that?” Queen Bee’s eyes widened.

“Well…” Rena began, memories Saptois flashed over her eyes, before she scratched the back of her head, and gave out an uneasy chuckle. “That was a.. patrol question.”

“Wow. You’re really winning ‘favorite child’ here huh.” Carapace deadpanned, looking back at them for a moment before returning to staring at Panther and Ladybug spar. His finger beginning to tap. Tap. Tap.

“They aren’t our parents, they're literally our age, shell head.” Queen Bee scoffed.

“Still!” He exclaimed. Queen Bee paused and nodded.

“No you’re right, still, she’s the favorite child here.” Queen Bee glared at Alya with crossed arms. Alya squirmed. It was really hard to defend herself here. Especially after all the praise for her civilian self before lunch!

“It’s less of actual knowledge I have and more of an educated guess!” Rena exclaimed, “Panthera—“

“—Fights at a tempo.”

“What?” Rena and Queen Bee looked over to Carpaace who was tapping a finger on his shell. Tap tap tap tap.

“Well-! At least you guys’ll be at a real advantage this time! Ladybug tired me out with our wrestling!”

“MY LEGS…” Ladybug wheezed for breath in the corner, hair rustled and ribbons unkempt. Despite what Panthera said though, she still looked righter than rain, if not more energized in form. She readjusted the ‘bad guy’ hat on her head and gave a big smile.

Nino bit his lip, holding up his shield uneasily.

“Panthera fights at a tempo.” He said.

Panthera’s foot tapped on the ground- one two- and her tail dragged across the floor in one sweeping motion- one, two, three, four- she tapped her staff to the ground. One, two.

“Check it-“ Carapace pointed at Ladybug and Panthera across the way. The two who felt like they were universes away from them were slowly becoming closer than ever. “Her steps, her attacks— she fights quick and brutally but a lot of her music is still timed.”

“For this last one, I’ll use my staff this time.” Panthera smiled. “The first fight, I decided not to use it because it was our first spar of the day- and the second one I didn’t use it either since it was your first one after knowing how I fight.”

“But why?” Queen Bee started quizzically at him.

“Maybe because it gives her moments to breathe.” Rena thought, “She fights really quick and brutally, but if you lose track of what you’re doing, you can trip and flail.”

“So what though?” The blonde scoffed. “Are we playing rhythm games with her then?”

“You guys move first,” Panthera’s lip curled to bare her teeth.

Leave it to me. Nino’s eyes narrowed, before aiming his shield backwards and baring for the force of Rena quickly and immediately running up and leaping off of him.

“Woah-!” Panthera blinked with surprise— but her eyes didn’t stay up, she snapped her gaze down in time to see Queen Bee’s top flying at her staff. Her eyes narrowed and she leapt backwards, leaving Rena to fall in the way of the wire. “I thought I taught you guys better—!”

Rena’s ears pricked with panic before— grabbing the top instead. She landed hard on the ground and barked with panic as Panthera took a steady swing with her staff. One— she took a step— and swung twice. Back on two— she readjusted her grip- and made another swing to Rena’s leg. Rena dodged and jumped, panic causing her hair to stick up on end, but Carapace was running up and in the way.


Rena rolled backwards, spinning top still in hand as Carapace bore his shield against Panthera’s swing. Just a step- he knew she had to take a breath, a moment to fix her grip- to reel her staff back again—

“Better! You’re on it! Good!” Panthera grinned, filling Nino’s chest with pride at the approval before suddenly he was toppling downwards. His shield came clattering out of his hands, he looked up with shock and confusion, before hearing the familiar sound of Panthera’s tail scraping against tile. She winked, “Sorry buddy!”

“Eek!” Nino squeaked, rolling out of the way as she reached down and grabbed him by the hood, tugging his hoodie down and over his eyes. Soon he was getting picked up and he could hear Rena shout with frustration.

“Don’t hurt your friend now! Be careful! Now I’ve got a hostage! What do you do?”


He thrashed against Panthera- what was he supposed to do?! He was the defense guy! He wasn’t supposed to be fighting up close like this! That’s how I ended up on the ground for the first time! He dreaded, before blinking wide. No that’s cause I wasn’t paying attention. What is Panthera not paying attention to right now?

Lets see, she’s using me no doubt as a shield— but where’s mine? He couldn’t see well with his hoodie shoved over his eyes but he could see the glimmer of green beneath him. Nino took a breath and stomped hard—!

“What the—!”

It flew to his hand from the force- and quickly he slammed it into her ribs. Panthera let him go and went tumbling backwards, wheezing for breath, as the air remained knocked out of her. She shook her head, and readjusted her hat.



“Hwuh?” Panthera’s ears pricked up just in time to jump over Queen Bee and Rena’s attempt at tripping her with the wire. Panthera landed on the wire like a circus performer. “What are you guys—“

“Come on—!” Queen Bee growled, grabbing the wire with determination in her eyes and yanking hard. They sent Panthera flying upwards in a quick and sudden motion. Rena let go and soon the wire was snapping back towards Queen Bee- leaving Panthera to fall.

One, two— No matter how faster you are. You still fall at the same rate as everyone. You can land the best you can, but you lose your control of being fast. You lose your control!”

Queen Bee swung her top to wrap around Panthera’s ankle— cursing as the cat hero deflected it, only to get her second chance around her waist.

“Sorry, Panthera!”

The cat hero was yanked down hard into the ground, belly flopping into the brick and tile. Carapace ran over and swatted the bag off of her head, tossing it to Queen Bee, then Rena, and then—

It flew to Ladybug’s hand who gave a smile. She clapped slowly before giggling.

“Good job! You guys finally got her!” Ladybug chirped, she leaned over to the side, peering at the Panthera shaped dent in the roof. “You okay, Kitty?”

Panthera slowly pushed herself up and spat a small piece of rubble from her mouth before grinning dizzily.

“Yuuuph! Training over! My ribs hurrrt!”

“Oh sh*t- Panthera, I’m sorry! Hold on— honeycomb—! Gahh get over here!”



Juleka cracked her neck to the side and sighed with relief. What a nice power to have.. she was almost a bit jealous of Chloe. A whole day of working out- and all its soreness washed away at one glob of shimmery honey. Maybe I could relieve some pain for Rose too, on her bad days. She waved her daydreaming away at the familiar sound of whizzing wire and looked up with a little smile- seeing Ladybug make her way over to her.

“Done!” Ladybug held up the twinkling sparkle of a familiar fox pendent. Her ears lowered.

“It’s a shame we have to take them away,” Juleka murmured. “Partner really, I think they should be permanent. If it’s a danger thing, I trained them right there in front of you!”

“Look- I’ll- I’ll ask the Guardian okay? But he needs to think about it,” Ladybug said defensively, tucking the pendent and the other miraculouses back in her pocket.

It was sunset now. Twilight and its purple and black beauty swirled and melded against the sherbert colors of gold and red. Panthera propped her hands to her hips. If she had actual concerns about this.. she’d tell you. She’d tell you. But still. I’m not so sure.

“You’re not sure? Awww Kitty don’t you trust me?” Ladybug chided. Juleka squirmed. Gah! My words slipped out! That hasn’t happened in a while! Her ears pressed back against her head.

“I do! I do! I do trust you—!” She scrambled for her words.

“I’m kidding! I know you do.” Ladybug giggled. Juleka took in a deep breath, before sighing her worries away. If she had actual concerns about this.. she’d tell you. She’d tell you. Juleka repeated to herself, smiling.

“And I know my trust isn’t misplaced, partner.” Juleka squeezed her hand. Ladybug grinned with delight, bouncing up onto a higher ledge and spinning her yo-yo to her side.

“Whew! Gonna turn in early once I get these back to Master Fu! All our training today— I’m gonna sleep for so long.”

“You go on ahead.” Panthera waved a hand, “I’ll be doing my own training for a bit.”

“More?!” Ladybug spun around with shock. “Isn’t your limbs gonna fall off?!”

“Hah! Nah- nah.” She chuckled, before sighing. “This is different. Don’t worry ‘bout it, Bug.”

“Bye Master Fu!”

“Bye bye now, Marinette, please be safe.”

Juleka’s ears pricked listening to Marinette leave the massage shop. She pressed herself tight to the chimney tops she hid behind as Marinette ran out the doors and skipped along the road. Probably feeling a few miraculouses-lighter. Once she was out of sight, Juleka let out a breath and slipped over the bricks and tile before dropping down onto the terrace behind him with a sound lighter than the wind.

“Ahh, and a good evening to you, Ms Juleka.”

“Hey, old man.” Juleka smiled a little at the sight of Fu, standing up tall and looming over his small frame, “We had a busy training day today. Did Marinette tell you about it?”

“She did. I only hope you went easier on the others than my own teachers were to me,” The old guardian chuckled. Leading her inside the massage shop, he took a pot of tea and poured a cup for her.

“They did amazingly,” Juleka noted softly, she paused for a moment, looking to the cup before taking it happily, “They’d make excellent full time heroes.”

“Hm.” He looked to her with an inquiring gaze, before smiling, “I’m sure they would be under your teaching.”

“Definitely better than you, Fu.”

“Heh.” Juleka chuckled as Plagg flew out of her pocket.

“Plagg! Don’t be rude!” Wayzz shot out from behind the guardian. Plagg stuck his tongue out at him and Juleka merely rolled her eyes endearingly at her eternal companion.

The two took another moment, drinking from their cups of tea and enjoying the ever chilling quiet of the evening. Maybe he’s more into the idea because of Marinette! How nice of her. She really is making an effort. Juleka smiled to herself, before sighing.

The air became thicker with tension as Fu set his tea cup down. He bore his gaze into her and he met her steeliness with his own tone.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Very.” Juleka looks down at her scarred palm. “If I don’t know how to control this, I could put more than my friends in danger.”

“I understand.” Fu nodded, standing up slowly. “Let us begin then, Panthera Noire.”

And so there the omen of destruction and death sat, surrounded by a small circle of salt and seeds. Her eyes thinned as Fu sat just outside the border between them, Wayzz’s small arms crossed with concern as Panthera readied her spirit.

“Remember;” Fu began.

“Calm. Controlled. Breathing. Living.” Juleka nodded, holding out her ringed, scarred hand. Ma, Luka, Rose, Ladybug. She clenched it into a fist and she muttered quietly her forbidden spell, “Harbinger’s Catastrophe.”

Outside, the windows lit up with the colors of restrained and obstructed decay and destruction.

“Jules?” Rose leaned over worriedly at her.

“Mnghhhhfgghgg.” She groaned tiredly in her lap, hoodie tightly pulled over her head. Every small flicker light that snuck its way through was stinging her already burning eyes and making her already horribly sore body ache even more- even as the calming rock of the Liberty soothed her tension.

“Got it, I’ll write your summer assignment notes today!” Rose kissed her forehead, leading to a very sleepy and mumbled ‘thank you’ through her hoodie sleeves. It was around then that Alya came fumbling onto- slamming her hands next to Chloe who was chilling on one of the lawn chairs.

“CHLOE HOW AND WHY DID YOU BUY THIS FOR ME!?” Alya squawked, holding out a shiny camera in her hands. Chloe sat up, looked her up and down, then at what she was holding and shrugged, laying back down.

“Oh that dinky thing? Meh, why not?" She slid her shades back over her face, "Hardly anything off of my allowance, consider it an investment to make your videos actually watchable.”


Juleka burrowed her face deeper into Rose's arms. She was so tired. She hated the days after training.

The Adventures of Panthera Noire - Chapter 74 - SorryJustAnotherPerson (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.