The 7 Habits of Happy Kids (2024)


130 reviews28 followers

October 27, 2008

When I saw this book, I had to laugh.....another product trying to cash in on the success of the original (7 Habits of Highly Effective People). Except that I LOVE the original. So I bought it, expecting mediocre stories but an opportunity to discuss the 7 habits with my children.

To my surprise, the stories themselves are actually decent. On their own, I'd give them 3 stars. To rate the potential this book has to teach, though, I'd give it 5 stars. Each habit has a story that illustrates it, a little tidbit for parents to read, questions to discuss with your child, and several suggestions on how a CHILD can implement that habit. The suggestions are great; I wouldn't have thought of many of them on my own.

We've been focusing on a habit a week. We read the story Sunday, discuss it, talk about some of the suggestions my kids would like to try, and then work on it over the week. My husband and I try to make a big deal of it every time we see one of the kids coming through. I'm amazed! Already, my 8 and 5 year-olds are going out of their way to be proactive and plan things out and just plain take responsibility for themselves. Not only that, they liked the stories enough to sneak the book away and read all seven of them on the first day.

I think the original 7 Habits is right on the mark, so I'm thrilled to find an age appropriate way to share it with my children.



750 reviews156 followers

March 14, 2015

What a great book for kids. Both my son (5) and my daughter (3) love the stories and the characters in this book. There are seven stories, each one with tons of beautiful and detailed illustrations, focusing on a different "habit". The first one was about boredom, and the story about how Sammy the Squirrel finds a way to fight being bored. He goes all over town looking for a friend to help him beat his boredom, but each one is already engaged in something. When he gets to the last friend, she's sick in bed. Her Gram tells Sammy that he's in charge of making his own fun. Sammy sees a broken radio and asks if he can take it home. At home he fixes the radio up and brings it back to his friend so she can listen to it while she's sick. She's so happy with the gift, and Sammy feels great from having done something for someone else. At the end of each story there are questions and activities and tips. It really helps the kids take each lesson to heart. There is also great sections in the book just for parents. There is so much to like about this book. It can be a storybook, or an activity book, or a manual for teaching children important lessons. I took this book out of the library, and I'm so sad to have to bring it back! I'm definitely putting it on the top of my book wish list. It's great.

    for-moms read-with-the-kids


1,880 reviews93 followers

December 5, 2010

Covey did a great job with this little book that is wonderful for kids (and wouldn't hurt several adults I know). The illustrations are great and the characters he's chosen to "tell" his stories all have special traits so that no child should be left out. My favorite was Jumper and the Lost Butterfly Net as I think listening is a lost skill. The Parents' Corner will aid those who are otherwise unable or too busy to find ways to change their child's behavior and this will get them on the right track. Most "help" books are written in such generalized terms that some parents are still left not knowing what to do. This will not only keep them on track but perhaps allow them to develop a good habit themselves. I think developing a poster of The 7 Habits Tree for sale would be an excellent reminder for kids to have displayed and the book is a great gift for any parent.

    childrens-books own-copy


1,515 reviews14 followers

March 30, 2018

The kids loved listening to this. And we have been able to reference it when something comes up pertaining to these habits.

Alexis DeJonge

46 reviews

October 29, 2018

My son who is almost 8 loved it and gave me a chance to go over a few important life lessons.

Hannah Bremer

25 reviews1 follower

September 17, 2022

Ter voorbereiding op ‘Zeven eigenschappen van effectief leiderschap’, die ik moet lezen voor mijn studie, las ik dit jeugdboek. Hetzelfde concept maar dan vertaald naar zeven verhalen voor kinderen. Zeven inspirerende gewoonten waar elk mens wat van kan leren!

Jackson Tolk

28 reviews

April 30, 2024

Cute principles based on the principles of the 7 Habits. My son is young right now, but I’d like to try listening to them and discussing the stories/principles.


83 reviews

December 24, 2022

This book was not at all what I was expecting! The "habits" are taught using fun short stories with animals as the main characters. My kids groaned when I told them we were going to listen to this book, but they enjoyed it.


147 reviews1 follower

December 15, 2020

I learned that it's not always good to only read books - it's good for you to exercise and have peace.


Darcy Leech

Author1 book217 followers

January 10, 2016

Divided into cute, short stories, this is a wonderful way to start building the hidden skills of success in your child. The stories align with the 7 habits of Covey family fame, and each story comes with a parent corner with discussion questions and suggestions for 'baby' steps, or things kids can do in the real world to build good habits. I'll read this to my child for years to come. Yes, it is indoctrination and shaping, but it's in a lot better direction than a random show on television or whoever is at the top of the music charts.


34 reviews1 follower

May 22, 2010

This book was a stretch for me. It teaches kids valuable lessons about friendship, happiness and more, but I prefer my kids learning these lessons through examples in classic stories. I don't think kids would fall in love with the characters in this book and I don't think they would remember the lessons taught



48 reviews1 follower

May 30, 2017

My kids love this book and it's examples. Great for elementary age, which can lead to excellent conversations about integrity, character and more.

Carrie Johnson

41 reviews1 follower

January 6, 2023

We listened to audio of this as we looked thru the picture book and then I was able to stop it and discuss the questions/ideas the author provides in the book for each of the 7 habits!! I think the storyline of characters was a bit young for my oldest boys ages 12 & 10 but there was still good practical examples given in the text and we still had a good discussion of the habits. 👍🏻


Ghadeer Esmat

1 review

August 2, 2018

كتاب ممتع ومختصر
يلخص سبع عادات ينبغي للاطفال التحلي بيها ، يذكرها علي شكل قصه ثم يبين بعد ذلك مغزي القصه للاباء ، و يذكر بعض اسئله عليها كنشاط للاطفال 🖍
احب طفليّ الرسومات كثيرا و خاصه طفلي ذات الثلاث سنوات كان هو من يحضره كل مره ، استمتعت شخصيا بمحتوي القصص و شخصيات الكتاب🖇🖇


444 reviews

June 24, 2023

When borrowing this book from the library, I thought it was going to be a book for parents about the habits of happy kids. Instead, this book was the 7 Habits Book watered down to a level kids could understand. Not a bad concept, it just wasn't what I was expecting.

Mrs. Schuld

141 reviews1 follower

July 5, 2019

Love all the habits that this book stands for, so I’m passing this along to my sister-in-law so she can try this with my nephews. We’ll see how it goes!

Daniel Yao

103 reviews

March 12, 2024

This one ateeee. My mom would read this to me. This book was my school basically

Kinnley Davis

40 reviews

September 26, 2021

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids is a collection of stories that promote good habits for children. Each story shares a message that will help the child to be efficient and productive both in and out of school. In the book there are 7 characters that shares a story and good life lesson. My favorite story was Bears hard work ethic and preplanning so he could spend his money wisely. Teaching kids good habits while they are young will help them not only in life, but as being better student/friend in the classroom. After each story, the author includes helpful tips and guidance questions to share with the readers. A great book for students of all ages!

    fiction nonfiction

Becky B

8,327 reviews139 followers

January 24, 2018

The son of Stephen R. Covey adapts his father's 7 Habits into stories starring animals that live in an imaginary place called 7 Oaks. After each story is a guide for adults in talking with kids about this habit, some suggested ways to start practicing, and discussion starting questions.

This would be a great book for bedtime with kids or storytime in lower elementary. The stories present these important life skills like planning ahead, doing something instead of complaining, and prioritizing into situations kids can grasp. The parent guides would be helpful for sparking family meeting discussions or class discussions at school and providing common vocabulary that can be pulled out to encourage each other when the complaining or procrastinating or whatever sneaks back in. But best of all, the stories are entertaining enough kids will probably want to read this for fun too.

    animal-picture-book picture-books picture-books-about-character


536 reviews9 followers

December 29, 2020

This is the kid-sized portion of Stephen Covey's seven habits. My kids love it, I find it a great guidepost book to check out every now and again. It reminds them of what they've learned both at school through "Leader in Me," and (hopefully) at home from their somewhat-effective parents! :) I've found it to be a great resource for teaching some of the important stuff at home!

    help picture-book read-to-my-kids

Kara Pfeffer

3 reviews7 followers

August 12, 2015

Great Book! Wish I would have started it when Fisher was 2! It is a bit "young" looking for him and he's a little embarrassed to read it as it looks like a baby book, but he pays attention, knows exactly whats going on and remembers the habits :)


5 reviews4 followers

July 23, 2014

كتاب مفيدة وهو مختصر لكتاب العادات ال٧
ويتكلم عن العادة الأولي علي شكل قصه تناسب الاطفال


1,027 reviews42 followers

August 6, 2017

What a great way to teach kids basic principles for how to behave and think! I'll definitely be incorporating this into my classroom this year.

D'ale lui Damian

807 reviews17 followers

July 21, 2022

#vârsta4-8 ani

Le citiți cărți de dezvoltate personală sau cărți motivaționale copiilor? Nici eu nu îi citeam, cred că este a doua sau a treia carte din acestă categorie, dar acum o să le acord o mai mare atenție.

Este o carte superbă , cu 7 povești minunate, de aceea am decis ca Damian să le povestească pe rând. Prima poveste, la fel ca și restul poveștilor, are la sfârșitului ei o pagină dedicată "colțul părinților " unde autorul ne povestește experiența proprie în legătură cu tema poveștii, plus alte 2 rubrici, una se numește "De discutat"- întrebari din poveste si cealaltă "Pași mărunți "-sugestii de făcut ( am atașat foto)

Vă invit în satul 7 stejari, unde o să descoperim împreună ce locuitori minunați are, adică :ursul Gub, iepurele Topăilă, sconcsița Lili, veveritele Sami și Sofia, porcușorul Ghimpi, soricica Ali Vin-si-eu și nu în ultimul rând, mult căutatul viermisorul Ernie, și fiecare pe rând ne v-a prezenta o importantă lecție.

În prima poveste veveritul Sami este extrem de plictisit,așa că se gândește să se ducă la prieteni și să-i roage pe rând să-i ofere o soluție de a scăpa de plictiseală. Din păcate sora lui nu era acasă, nici mama nu i-a sugerat ceva distractiv, nici Ghimpi, Lili, Gub sau Țopăilă.Cea care i-a schimbat perspectiva a fost bunica lui Ali-vin-si-eu:

✍️ " Nimeni nu mă ajută să mă distrez, s-a plâns Sami. Sunt atât de plicitisit.
-Păi, asta nu e vina ta? A întrebat bunica lui Ali. Tu hotărăști cum te distrezi, nu altcineva.
Vreau să spun că îți poți face propria distracție. Nu ai nevoie de altcineva pentru asta. ".

Urmând sfatul bunicii a început să facă exact ce-i place lui mai mult, anume să repare lucruri. Iar după ce a reparat radioul stricat, i l-a oferit lui Ali pentru a îi fi recuperarea mai ușoară.

Noi decidem ce ne face fericiți, ce putem face pentru a înlătură plicitiseala, ce să facem pentru a ne distra etc, noi ne alegem prietenii, noi decidem dacă ne jucăm sau nu, cu ce să ne jucăm etc am discutat mai pe larg cu Damian acest subiect.

Lecția 1-Fii proactiv. Cu alte cuvinte, preia controlul asupra propriei vieți.

Jeanie Cullip

202 reviews21 followers

December 27, 2018

Today, I read The 7 Habits of Happy Kids by Sean Covey. The school in which I will be completing my student teaching in is a Leader in Me School. I have begun reading both The 7 Habits of Effective People (again) and Leader in Me. These were gifted me when I visited my fifth-grade teacher team before Christmas Break.

The book is a combination of seven stories, each one highlighting an example of the seven habits used in Stephen & Sean Covey's books. I like how the characters are relatable to primary grade children so that they are able to understand what it is like to have this principle in their life.

Bored! Bored! Bored!:Habit #1Be proactive

Goob and the bug-collecting kit:Habit #2 Begin with the end in mind

Pokey and the spelling test:Habit #3Put first things first

Lily plants a garden:Habit #4 Think win-win

Jumper and the lost butterfly net:Habit #5 Seek first to understand, then to be understood

Big bad badgers:Habit #6 Synergize

Sleepy Sophie:Habit #7 Sharpen the saw

I was able to listen to the entire book in less than an hour, it would be easy to share one story at a time based on the habit in which you are teaching. The audible book was read by Sean Covey and included his children in the recording as well.

I have a rating system I use for those books I have read and reviewed on my blog, you may check it outhere. I have given this book five cups, I love this book a latte!


31 reviews1 follower

February 27, 2019

I borrowed this book from the library on audiobook, and it just wasn't as good without the text, pictures, or supplementals that it references. It is not a good audiobook, but it might be fine for a paper book. The reader is fine, but you miss out on the extras, and what you miss is obvious and constant. Also, thins is not a book for parents to read to figure out how to help their kids with the 7 habits. This is a book to read to kids so they can discuss the 7 habits. As an audiobook, though, the habits are not made obvious to each story, and I missed any discussion questions I might have been able to glean from supplemental materials. In short, get a different version of this book if you plan to read it.


234 reviews

October 8, 2019

Valuable lessons that children can understand and relate to. Loved the 'parent corner' at the end of each story with discussion questions and suggestions for how kids can practice building good habits. My 7yo already started practicing habit #1.
And now I want to read Sean Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens for my 11yo and read Stephen Covey's (Sean's dad), The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families


199 reviews1 follower

May 10, 2017

This is great! My oldest is reading the one for teens, I'm reading the one for adults & I read this to all of my kids. It was fun talking about the habits & where we are in each of our books. The principles are easy to understand & remember. This is one to go back to again & again. I will be posting these to remind us all. I have been able to refer to them in guiding my kids lately & it's so nice to have little one-liner reminders for them rather than feeling like I'm nagging them constantly. They feel more in charge knowing the habits themselves. Highly recommend for all ages, but would say it's geared for 4-10 year olds or so.



Author9 books7 followers

April 27, 2021

Are you looking for fun stories and those that also give life skills to your children?

This is one book that my childten keep coming back to over and over. Even as teenagers it becomes a once a year read for them.

Created by Sean Covey, Stephen Covey's son, this book takes the adult 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and creates the easy and fun to read stories of each habit.

My children loved the illustrations at preschoolers, laughed at the relatable school-aged interactions, and have some concept of how each lesson applies. Imperfectly.

I love it on an adult level as it makes the lessons in the adult version fun for me to read too.

#writeadreamlife #raisingreaders #bookreview #childrensbooks #schoolagedchildrenbooks #7habits #childrenlovereading #booksbooksandmorebooks books that teach kids life skills in such an easy to understand way. My kids love the stories and this particular book is read over and over. I also enjoy the simplicity of the message and fact that you understand why and as adults, we can also apply it to ourselves. :)

    kid-books lifebook-membership parenting

Citra Rizcha Maya

Author5 books22 followers

January 1, 2024

Saya membaca versi Penerbit Libri yang dwi bahasa. Saya telah menyelesaikan bagian versi Indonesia. Saya tak bermaksud menuntaskan buku ini begitu cepat, hanya sekadar membolak baliknya sambil sarapan. Tetapi ceritanya seru dan sarat makna tentang pohon 7 kebiasaan yang ingin kita kenalkan pada anak-anak. Di akhir kisah selalu ditutup dengan pojok orang tua yang berisi latar belakang cerita, pertanyaan -pertanyaan kecil untuk dijawab dan juga langkah-langkah kecil untuk kita dan anak-anak lakukan. Ilustrasinya menggemaskan, tapi sepertinya saya butuh waktu untuk mulai membacakan buku ini untuk putra saya.

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids (2024)


The 7 Habits of Happy Kids? ›

Meet the lovable characters of 7 Oaks who encapsulate the 7 Habits. Join Pokey, Allie, Jumper, Sammy, Lily, Sophie, and Goob as they learn the importance of being yourself, planning ahead, staying organized, finding your strengths, listening, working together, and the power of friendship.

Who are the characters in the seven habits of happy kids? ›

Meet the lovable characters of 7 Oaks who encapsulate the 7 Habits. Join Pokey, Allie, Jumper, Sammy, Lily, Sophie, and Goob as they learn the importance of being yourself, planning ahead, staying organized, finding your strengths, listening, working together, and the power of friendship.

What are the activities for Habit 7 for kids? ›

Introduce the habit with an object: Stimulate your brain and exercise at the same time by grabbing some friends and Jump roping, playing Cat's Cradle, learning some killer yo-‐yo tricks, or playing with a Chinese jumprope.

What is Habit number 2 for kids? ›

Habit 2: Begin With the End in Mind®

I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference.

Why 7 habits is important for kids? ›

With our 7 Habits, we are addressing the 21st century skills that many employers are seeking: Taking Initiative (Be Proactive); Problem Solving (Begin with the End in Mind); Analyze Information (Put First Things First); Agility and Adaptability (Think Win-Win); Effective Communication (Seek First to Understand, Then to ...

Who are the characters in the happy kid? ›

Bat GuyBat Guy KnightBlue Monster
Doc GirlElephantExplorer Girl
Green FrogGrey SharkMr. Mouse
Mrs. MousePatrol DogPink Pig
Potato Head ManPurple DinosaurRanger Red
6 more rows

Does Sean Covey have kids? ›

Born in Belfast Ireland, Sean's favorite activities include going to movies, working out, hanging out with his kids, riding his dirt bike, and writing poor poetry. Sean and his wife Rebecca live with their children in the Rocky Mountains.

How do you play the 7 Habits of Happy Kids game? ›

Players choose their playing pieces – characters are from the best-selling 7 Habits of Happy Kids books! They take turns reading cards, responding, and moving around the board to collect tokens for each of the 7 Habits. The first player to fill his or her token holder with 7 tokens becomes the card reader.

What does the 7 Habits teach you? ›

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the proven individual effectiveness operating system. Participants develop increased maturity, greater productivity, and the ability to manage themselves. They will come away with the ability to execute critical priorities with laser-like focus and careful planning.

What is the main concept of Habit 7? ›

Habit 7 is the habit of taking care of your body by eating right, exercising, and getting the right amount of sleep. It's the habit of spending time with family and friends; to learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school.

What is Habit 3 for kids? ›

“It is important for students to learn to devote their mental energies to another person and demonstrate their understanding of and empathy for an idea by paraphrasing it accurately.”

What is the 8th habit for kids? ›

In summary the 8 Habit is finding your voice and inspiring others to find theirs.

What does habit #3 deal with? ›

Habit 3 emphasizes how to work toward our goals (Schedule). Of all the habits, Habit 3 is the most difficult one to maintain. It is always easier to do simple or fun tasks first, so Having a Plan to complete lengthy or difficult assignments can be a challenge.

What is Habit 1 in the 7 Habits? ›

Habit 1 involves taking personal responsibility and accountability. Highly effective people focus their time and energy on their Circle of Influence. To learn more about Habit 1 and the Circle of Influence, check out Jim Newcomb's article, Be Proactive: Habit 1 of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

What is habit 5 in the 7 habits? ›

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® is the habit of listening to other people's ideas and feelings. It's trying to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. It's about being confident in voicing your ideas. It's about looking people in the eyes when speaking.

What is habit 6 of 7 habits? ›

Habit 6, “synergise,” is all about recognising that two heads are better than one when it comes to problem-solving. When people work together to find solutions to challenges, they bring with them different strengths and experiences.

Who is habits and characters do we take? ›

Answer: We take habits and characters from our family.

What is habit 2 in Leader in Me? ›

Begin With the End in Mind encourages you to center your life on principles. Principles are timeless and universal.

How many children does Stephen Mr Covey have? ›

Dr, Covey and his wife, Sandra, are the parents of nine children.

What is habit 8 in Leader in Me? ›

"The Leader in Me" Family Resources

Yes! This 8th habit is all about using what we do well to help others. Finding your voice is putting all these things together to make change happen.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Views: 5716

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.