GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (2024)

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (1)

Indian weddings are known for their vibrant and lively atmosphere, with colors playing a major role in the celebrations. From the bride and groom’s outfits to the wedding decor, colors set the tone for the entire event. But with so many color options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right ones. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of choosing appropriate colors for your Indian wedding from Indian wedding photographers point of view. We will talk about traditional and modern Indian wedding colors, factors to consider when choosing wedding colors, and the cultural significance of colors.

Traditional Indian Wedding Colors

Certain colors have special value in Indian culture and are frequently utilized for thousands of years in traditional Indian wedding dresses and decoration. Everybody is different, but what I see as an Indian wedding photographer is that the most popular wedding colors are red, gold, green, pink, yellow, and orange. Each color symbolizes a distinct element of your wedding. Red is the most popular color regarding Indian weddings because it symbolizes passion, love, joy and purity.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (2)

This is the most commonly used for a bridal dresses, and it is often paired with gold and other vivid colors. In fact, red along with gold are the most widely used colors in Hindu Indian weddings. As a wedding photographer, I can tell you, red does look good. Especially when combined with white, or different shades of pastel colors or gold. Traditionally, in Indian wedding tradition, the color red is also seen as being extremely lucky. You don’t have to stick to it but the truth is that Red can be used your wedding decoration in many ways. Red also makes good wedding details photos, as well. You can use it in your invitation, your jewelry, your wedding dress, the flower arrangement or the sheet on your mandap and even the flowers used in your isle decoration. Some may think red is boring but for wedding photography, it looks amazing. In Hindu Indian weddings, gold is another popular color that is widely used. I see it all the time. In fact, I don’t remember any weddings where my brides and grooms didn’t use it.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (3)

The reason is that gold is a the color that is associated with prosperity, elegance, and good fortune not only in India but all over the world. From your bridal jewelry to your table settings and even your wedding cake, gold may be incorporated into your wedding decor in a variety of ways.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (4) GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (5)GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (6)

Gold is associated with wealth, happiness, success, and fortune. The groom’s attire and wedding jewelry frequently feature this shade. The camera loves gold combined with pastel and white. The color green represents harmony, fertility, and fresh starts. It is frequently utilized in floral arrangements and wedding decoration.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (7)

It may have limitations regarding compatibility with other colors in the same wedding outfit. Green stands for peace, the natural world, and fresh starts. I have seen green being used in wedding invitations. naturally in wedding flowers, bridal lehengas, groomsmen outfits and mandap decorations. Because of its natural look, there are many ways to integrate green into your wedding decor.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (8)GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (9)

Yellow is associated with the sun and symbolizes new beginnings, which is why it is often used in haldi ceremony. Turmeric is the best example for yellow. Turmeric paste is frequently applied on the bride and groom’s skin during traditional haldi ceremonies, where turmeric paste is administered on the skin. Orange stands for passion, vitality, and warmth. Blue is commonly used in combination with red or gold in wedding decorations and groom’s attire.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (10)GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (11) GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (12)

Contemporary Indian Wedding Colors

The color pallet for contemporary Indian weddings has been expanded to incorporate a variety of shades, such as blues, purples, silvers, and pastels. Pastel colors became popular recently. They look great with outside natural light weddings. They add a soft and romantic touch to the wedding decor and outfits. Couples can represent their distinct styles and add a personal touch to their wedding by using these colors. It’s a good idea to have a backup plan just in case. Blue is a preferred shade for flower centerpieces and groomsmen suits.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (13)

After mentioning gold, we need to include silver, as well. Silver symbolizes sophistication, grace, and purity. Not only for Hindu weddings but for every culture,it is a popular color for wedding invitations and jewelry.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (14)

Another hue that is incredibly popular in Indian weddings is pink. This is one of my favorites. Pink is a symbol of affection, femininity, and gentleness.It can be used not only for brides outfit but it look great also for grooms! In addition, because of its versatility, it may be combined with hues like gold, silver, or green to provide a gorgeous wedding color palette.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (15)

Factors to Consider When Choosing Wedding Colors

When choosing wedding colors, there are several factors to consider. The first and probably the most important for wedding photography is is skin tone. Certain colors look better on certain skin tones, and choosing the right colors can enhance the bride and groom’s natural beauty. For example, darker skin tones look great in bright colors like red and orange, while lighter skin tones look better in pastel colors.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (16)

The wedding venue and decor are also important factors to consider when choosing wedding colors. The colors should complement the venue and decor, rather than clash with them. For example, if the wedding is in a rustic barn, earthy tones like green and brown would be appropriate. On the other hand, if the wedding is in a modern hotel, metallic colors like silver and gold would be more appropriate.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (17)

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (18)

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (19)

Purple is a bold and luxurious color that is getting more and more common in Indian weddings. It stands for elegance, opulence, and sophistication.You can utilize it in your room uplights but be careful to use it too close to the mandap. While it looks great in decoration it doesn’t reflect well on your skin tone.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (20)

You don’t want to look purple on your wedding photos. From your wedding flowers to your bridesmaids’ dresses to your wedding cake, there are many ways to include purple in your wedding decor. Also, be very careful using it on the top of the mandap if your wedding is outside. The sunlight will pick up purple and makes everything including you the same color. I always recommend the top decoration color of your mandap to be white or off-white. White does’ alter colors. White doesn’t discolor the sunlight and won’t change your skin tone, either. Let’s speak about how to choose the perfect colors for your wedding. You should first take into account your own preferences and sense of style. Don’t pick a color you have just because it is popular. Use colors that you love and that make you feel happy and confident since your wedding day is all about you.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (21)

The season you are getting married in is something else to think about. For instance, if your wedding is taking place in the summer and your wedding is outside , you might want to go want to go with paler hues like pastels, and earthy tones, whereas if it’s taking place in the winter or the wedding ceremony is inside a hotel room, you might want to go with richer, darker hues like burgundy or navy.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (22)

If you’re getting married in a ballroom with gold chandeliers and elaborate decor, you might want to go with hues like gold, burgundy, or navy that match well with the setting. But, if your wedding is taking place on the beach in Miami, you might choose to go with lighter colors. White, light blue, pink or turquoise.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (23)GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (24)

Last but not least, it’s crucial to think about the cultural meaning of the colors you select. There may be some colors that are more appropriate or significant for a traditional Indian wedding than others. Ask your parents and your aunties about this. Keep in mind that every region in Pakistan or Indian has its own unique differences.One color you can’t go wrong. It is gold. It is universally seen as extremely fortunate, so you might wish to use them in some way in your wedding decor or any other element in your wedding.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (25)

To conclude, selecting the appropriate colors for your Indian wedding is a crucial choice that should be based on your own preferences and style, the season of your marriage, the location of your wedding, and the cultural significance of the colors you select.
Choosing colors that make you feel happy and confident on your special day is ten thousand times more important than whether you go with bright, vibrant hues or gentle, pastel tones.

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (26)

GUIDE ON HOW TO CHOOSE INDIAN WEDDING COLORS – FROM THE WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER’S POINT OF VIEW | Indian Wedding Photographers | Häring Photography and Films, Indian Wedding Videographer in Florida, Best Muslim, Hindu - South East Asian Wedding Photographers (2024)
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