edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (2024)

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Timedge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (2) edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (3)Member

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (4)

Was wondering if anyone had a similar problem or some insight on a banding issue.
So I have a scm basic one bander and when applying real wood veneer tape it occasionally doesn't cover the edge of the work piece. It happens more often towards the end of a roll, but still 30 percent of it left. If it was consistent around the last 50 feet I would just scrap the roll but it will happen even at the start of roll. Ive thought it was a bad roll with a weird coil memory but it will happen on all wood rolls. Experimented with the first pressure roller and checked to make sure it wasn't a worn bearing or clutch and it seems fine. Especially due to the fact it puts pvc on like a champ.

8/10/17 #2: edge banding problem ...

Paul Milleredge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (5)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (6)

I am not familiar with your bander, but we were having a problem with wood veneer tape. Our issue was that it would ride up, usually toward the end of the piece.

We looked at everything probably like you have. We came to the conclusion that we were putting too much pressure on the part and it was being forced down and once we lessened the pressure, it does seem to help. I suggest you caliper the part and check your set up.

8/10/17 #3: edge banding problem ...

Philledge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (7)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (8)

Tim, We experienced the same issue...pvc was a breeze but wood tape was riding up. We had to adjust our lead in guide to make it a bit tighter (closer to the tape)
than we use for the pvc. haven't had issues since. May not be your solution, but it worked for us.

8/10/17 #4: edge banding problem ...

Bruce Hedge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (9)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (10)

It would be nice if the wood band was 15/16 like pvc. Even if it doesn't ride up there isn't a lot of extra width to cover the part top and bottom. I have a Brandt KD69 and also have those issues.

8/10/17 #5: edge banding problem ...

Jonedge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (11) edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (12)Member

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (13)

Sometimes the wood tape is the problem. I've seen tape that one edge is longer than the other. Take the wood tape and place it on a flat surface as if you were applying masking tape. If it tends to want to go in an arc, then one side is longer than the other. I have more trouble with maple than other species.

Most suppliers have both 7/8 and 15/16 readily available.

8/10/17 #6: edge banding problem ...

Timedge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (14) edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (15)Member

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (16)

So I wanted to update my post with a typical frustrating edgebander day.

Paul; I checked the pressure on the work piece, was slightly off but I adjusted but no luck

Phil; I made sure the lead guide was set just enough for the tape to pass. But I also rigged another guide 6 to 8inches away from that one to assure straightness and the tape remained flat for atlas the entry

Bruce; I am running 15/16 tape but my bander doesn't have dip chain adjustment. At least I've searched and don't see any. If anyone has one of these dinosaurs maybe they can chime in on that aspect. If I could lower the tape placement I think my problems would be solved

Jon; have you found the "best" brand for the tape. I am using dolken now but every roll seems to act the same.

The only light at the end of the tunnel has been setting the front pressure roller so its just enough to catch the tape and not slips off. Parts are all mdf core and cut on cnc so I am pretty confident they are not causing any issues. Again if anyone operates or experience with this machine I would love to pic your brain concerning the conveyor adjustment to see if I can get the tape centered upon application

8/10/17 #7: edge banding problem ...

Paul Milleredge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (17)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (18)

It's amazing that we all have had that problem. I have an older Brandt Optima 76. We bought it used. We discovered a shim under our glue pot. Have no idea who or why it was put there. Removing it helped. We also found our hold down bar for the tape had to be perfect.

8/10/17 #8: edge banding problem ...

aledge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (19)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (20)

I have a basic one also. The 23 hold down rollers were really worn out, cracked and falling apart. I had a similar problem you are having until I replaced those worn rollers. I have not had any tape run off since replacing them. In my situation the tape was usually running off in the middle of an 8 foot length and then
might straighten out by the time it got to end. They are about $23 bucks each from SCM.
Hope this helps,

8/11/17 #9: edge banding problem ...

Ededge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (21)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (22)

I have a newer version of that machine . I usually have the same problem when changing from 2mm to .5mm wood tape.
If your machine has an optimizer ( I think that is what it is called ) that pulls the tape back after guillotine cut, then make sure you have the pressure set on that just enough to tension the tape as it heads towards pressure rollers.

8/12/17 #10: edge banding problem ...

Tom Gardineredge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (23)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (24)

Another thing to check is that your tape carousel is level with the machine.

8/14/17 #11: edge banding problem ...

Matt Medge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (25)

edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (26)

We had this exact same problem on a brand new Brandt (new as of Jan 2016)

Was mind-numbing frustrating. Almost shut us down several times just because we couldn't band paint grade. Happened on 0.5 and 1.0mm wood.

Almost never happened on PVC.

Had all 4 of my best machine-minded guys in the shop get utterly stumped at it.

Sent Service Tech #1. He was totally baffled. Suspected the press roller was not square to the beam. Measured it, found it to be fine by his eyes. Gave us a temporary workaround that amounted to having the band held almost excessively tight before it hit the glue spreader and press roller.

Service Tech #2 came. He pulled the machine apart more than Tech #1 did, at the press roller. Measured for square in a different way, and found the press roller was 3mm out (!!!!!).

He corrected it, problem solved.

Since then, we've had maybe one every few months happened that we chalked up to odd band grain, but if it gets more frequent, we'd check for square again.

I would absolutely pull that machine apart (as needed) and check your press roller for square. You know your machine better than I do, so you will have to decide the right way to measure it.

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  • edge banding problem - WOODWEB's Cabinetmaking Forum (27)

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